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Nan­oteknik i vät­gas­celler löser iridi­umkris­en.

Smol­tek del­tar i Vät­gas Sveriges nätverksträff i Göte­borg, 14–15 okto­ber. Ellinor Ehrn­berg, vd Smol­tek Hydro­gen AB kom­mer att hålla en present­a­tion om vår utveck­lade teknik för den porösa trans­por­telektroden avsedd för anoden i PEM-elektrolysörer.

Smol­tek Hydro­gens elektrod med 20 gånger lägre iridi­um­halt för PEM-elektro­lys byg­ger på nan­oteknik och ger stora kost­nads­besparingar för tillverkare av elektro­lysörer eller tillverkare av cell­stack­ar till elektro­lysörer. Detta kom­mer ge en konkur­rens­för­del, inte minst framöver när bristen på iridi­um blir än mer påtag­lig och priserna bör­jar närma sig 10 mil­jon­er kronor per kilo. 

Vi vill eta­blera oss som en inter­na­tion­ell kost­nad­sledare med bas i Göte­borg och söker nu strategiska samarb­et­s­part­ners samt invester­are för att stödja vår tillväxt.

Vi ses i Göte­borg, 14–15 oktober! 

Ellinor Ehrn­berg,
Electrolyzer Cell With Smoltek Anode Ptl
Elec­tro­lyz­er-cell with Smol­tek anode PTE (PTL and catalysts)

Nanotechnology in hydrogen cells solves the iridium crisis.

Smol­tek par­ti­cip­ates in Vät­gas Sweden’s net­work meet­ing in Gothen­burg, on 14–15 October. 

Ellinor Ehrn­berg, Pres­id­ent of Smol­tek Hydro­gen AB will give a present­a­tion on our developed tech­no­logy for the anode por­ous trans­port elec­trode in PEM electrolyzers.

Smol­tek Hydro­gen­’s elec­trode with 20 times lower iridi­um con­tent for PEM elec­tro­lys­is is based on nan­o­tech­no­logy and provides sig­ni­fic­ant cost sav­ings for elec­tro­lyz­er man­u­fac­tur­ers or elec­tro­lyz­er cell stack man­u­fac­tur­ers. This will give a com­pet­it­ive advant­age, not least in the future when the short­age of iridi­um becomes even more notice­able, and prices begin to approach SEK 10 mil­lion per kilo. We want to estab­lish ourselves as an inter­na­tion­al cost lead­er based in Gothen­burg and are now look­ing for stra­tegic part­ners and invest­ments to sup­port our growth.

Smol­tek Hydro­gen PTE tech­nic­al scope: The low elec­tric­al res­istiv­ity and high mech­an­ic­al strength indic­ate why cor­ro­sion coated nan­ofibers are an attract­ive cata­lyst sup­port mater­i­al. The solu­tion offered by Smol­tek Hydro­gen takes full advant­age of the excep­tion­al nan­ofiber prop­er­ties on a PTL (above illus­tra­tion). This meth­od ensures full con­tact between the nan­ofibers and the PTL while provid­ing a high sur­face area sub­strate and cata­lysts can then be depos­ited on top of this sub­strate. The ver­tic­al ori­ent­a­tion of the nan­ofibers facil­it­ates coat­ing of the sur­face with addi­tion­al lay­ers of mater­i­al, such as cor­ro­sion pro­tec­tion lay­ers or cata­lyst particles.

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