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An interview with Smoltek Hydrogen CEO Ellinor Ehrnberg about her recent visit to Germany and the rapid acceleration of the hydrogen economy.
ElliÂnor EhrnÂberg is a hard woman to pin down. As the PresÂiÂdent of Smoltek HydroÂgen, she is conÂstantÂly on the move, shutÂtling between workÂshops, meetÂings, and lab visÂits. But after sevÂerÂal attempts, I finalÂly manÂaged to sit down with her for an in-depth conÂverÂsaÂtion about her recent three-day visÂit to GerÂmany and what it means for Smoltek’s future.
Ehrnberg’s trip, which took place between NovemÂber 11th and 13th, was part of a ScanÂdiÂnaÂvian delÂeÂgaÂtion orgaÂnized by the GerÂman ChamÂbers of ComÂmerce in SweÂden and DenÂmark. The purÂpose was to explore busiÂness opporÂtuÂniÂties and conÂnect with key playÂers in Germany’s rapidÂly expandÂing hydroÂgen sector.
Over three days, the delÂeÂgaÂtion toured major hydroÂgen facilÂiÂties in the CenÂtral GerÂman ChemÂiÂcal TriÂanÂgle, LusaÂtia, and North Rhine-WestÂphalia. They met with leadÂing experts, supÂpliÂers, and techÂnolÂoÂgy providers, gainÂing a firstÂhand look at the groundÂbreakÂing projects underway.
“The scale and speed of what is hapÂpenÂing in GerÂmany right now is truÂly remarkÂable,” EhrnÂberg said with palÂpaÂble enthuÂsiÂasm. “There is a clear conÂsenÂsus across the counÂtry: GerÂmany is going all in on hydroÂgen, with masÂsive investÂments to make the vision a reality.”
EhrnÂberg explained that Germany’s wholeÂheartÂed embrace of hydroÂgen is the culÂmiÂnaÂtion of a series of enerÂgy shocks over the past decade. The 2011 FukushiÂma disÂasÂter promptÂed the counÂtry to begin phasÂing out nuclear powÂer. More recentÂly, Russia’s invaÂsion of Ukraine and the sabÂoÂtage of the Nord Stream pipelines has drasÂtiÂcalÂly reduced natÂurÂal gas supplies.
“You can draw a straight line from FukushiÂma to the war in Ukraine to where GerÂmany is today,” she said. “They have sysÂtemÂatÂiÂcalÂly elimÂiÂnatÂed options that were no longer viable and have resÂoluteÂly comÂmitÂted to hydroÂgen as the path forward.”
This transÂforÂmaÂtion was on full disÂplay durÂing Ehrnberg’s visÂit. The delÂeÂgaÂtion toured major hydroÂgen facilÂiÂties in the CenÂtral GerÂman ChemÂiÂcal TriÂanÂgle, LusaÂtia, and North Rhine-WestÂphalia. They met with leadÂing experts, supÂpliÂers, and techÂnolÂoÂgy providers.
“At every stop, we heard the same refrain,” EhrnÂberg recountÂed. “GerÂmany sees hydroÂgen as the key to its enerÂgy future. And they are dedÂiÂcatÂing immense resources to realÂize this potenÂtial, not someÂday, but right now.”
This presents a tremenÂdous opporÂtuÂniÂty for Smoltek, which has develÂoped groundÂbreakÂing elecÂtrode techÂnolÂoÂgy for PEM-elecÂtrolyzÂers. Ehrnberg’s meetÂings allowed her to showÂcase Smoltek’s soluÂtions to a highÂly engaged audience.
“With a few excepÂtions, the response was overÂwhelmÂingÂly posÂiÂtive,” she said. “You could see the wheels turnÂing as peoÂple grasped the potenÂtial of what we’ve created.”
The excepÂtions she referred to were some engiÂneers directÂly involved in elecÂtrolyzÂer develÂopÂment, who exhibÂitÂed a bit of “not inventÂed here synÂdrome” – a relucÂtance to embrace ideas or techÂnoloÂgies that origÂiÂnate outÂside their own orgaÂniÂzaÂtion. But among the busiÂness leadÂers, investors, and polÂiÂcyÂmakÂers EhrnÂberg met with, the enthuÂsiÂasm was uniform.
“I came back with a stack of busiÂness cards and a very full folÂlow-up list,” she said with a smile. “The interÂest and urgency were obvious.”
For EhrnÂberg, the visÂit was a powÂerÂful valÂiÂdaÂtion of Smoltek’s stratÂeÂgy and a clear call to action. To build on the momenÂtum, she is curÂrentÂly explorÂing the posÂsiÂbilÂiÂty of increasÂing Smoltek’s presÂence in Germany.
“We absoluteÂly must have boots on the ground, givÂen how fast this marÂket is movÂing,” she insistÂed. “This is an imporÂtant moment, and we are deterÂmined to act quickÂly to make the most of it.”
As our conÂverÂsaÂtion wound down, I sensed Ehrnberg’s eagerÂness to return to work. The trip had made a deep impresÂsion, but it was also clear that it was just the beginÂning for her.
“GerÂmany has made its choice. HydroÂgen is the future,” she said as we partÂed. “And Smoltek is going to be a key part of that future. Just watch.”
CuriÂous about the future of hydroÂgen in GerÂmany and Smoltek’s role in this transÂforÂmaÂtion? VisÂit Smoltek’s IR page on LinkedIn and join the disÂcusÂsion. In the post linkÂing to this artiÂcle, you can ask ElliÂnor EhrnÂberg your quesÂtions about Germany’s hydroÂgen ambiÂtions and how Smoltek plans to contribute.
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