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Cultivation Of Precisely Placed Carbon Nanofibres

Carbon nanotubes as electrode for supercapacitors

Research paper in the proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Materials for Energy (EnMat II), Karlsruhe, Germany, 12–16 May, 2013.

One-dimen­sion­al car­bon nano­struc­tures have been known and fab­ric­ated for more than a hun­dred years and were ori­gin­ally rWe describe a fast and cost-effect­ive pro­cess for the growth of car­bon nan­ofibers (CNFs) at a tem­per­at­ure com­pat­ible with Both sil­ic­on wafers and thermally oxid­ized sil­ic­on wafers are diced into 14×14 mm2 pieces to fit the cir­cu­lar act­ive area with 11 mm dia­met­er used in voltam­metry. 50 nm of tung­sten is sputtered on both sides of the chips for edge cov­er­age to have bet­ter elec­tric­al con­tact of back side and grown side. A cata­lyst lay­er con­sist­ing of alu­min­um (5 nm) and iron (2 nm) is depos­ited using elec­tron beam evap­or­a­tion. The CNTs are grown by chem­ic­al vapor depos­ition at 700 °C using acet­ylene and hydro­gen gasses as car­bon source and car­ri­er. First, the cata­lyst is pre­treated at 500 °C in the envir­on­ment of con­tinu­ous hydro­gen flow at around 8 mbar pres­sure. Then acet­ylene is intro­duced and the tem­per­at­ure is raised to 700 °C with­in a few seconds. Sample (1) con­sists of: Si, W, Al, Fe; sample (2) con­sists of: Si, SiO2, W, Al, Fe. Meas­ure­ments were car­ried out by a three elec­trode sys­tem with Ag/​AgCl as ref­er­ence elec­trode, Pt as counter elec­trode and 1M KOH as elec­tro­lyte. The capa­cit­ance was cal­cu­lated from the voltam­mo­gram (Fig­ure 1). The voltam­metry was car­ried out with 5 cycles per sample. Sample (1) yields a capa­cit­ance of 0.0475 F and (2) a apa­cit­ance of 0.04 F for the act­ive geo­met­ric­al sur­face at sweep rate 20 mV/​s (Table 1). Cal­cu­lated capa­cit­ances are from the voltam­mo­gram val­ues, where the capa­cit­ance is the abso­lute value between ‑0.1 – 0.1 V divided by 2 and divided by the sweep rate. C = Δ|I| /​ s, where Δ|I| is the dif­fer­ence in cur­rent, s is the sweep rate (dE/​dt) and C is the capa­cit­ance. An estim­a­tion of CNT weight using SEM pic­tures yields approx­im­ately 0,3 mg. The meas­ured weight from a scale is in the range 0.8–1.4 mg which gives a spe­cif­ic capa­cit­ance of 13P1: 46.9 ± 12.7 F/​g and 14P1: 39.3 ± 10.7 F/​g for the two samples respect­ively. Future improve­ments of these CNT elec­trodes will be to pro­duce longer nan­otubes and a more dense struc­ture. Both these para­met­ers will increase the sur­face area and by that yield a high­er capa­cit­ance for the elec­trode. By con-trolling the ver­tic­al align­ment of the CNTs in com­bin­a­tion with pro­duc­tion meth­ods con­tain­ing cheap mater­i­als and by using indus­tri­al fab­ric­a­tion tech­niques the energy dens­ity can be improved. This makes ver­tic­ally aligned CNT a very prom­ising mater­i­al as elec­trode mater­i­al for supercapacitors.

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