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Smoltek Hydro­gen is attend­ing the 245th ECS Meet­ing in San Fran­sis­co, US. The event brings togeth­er the most active researchers in acad­e­mia, gov­ern­ment, and indus­try to engage, dis­cuss, and inno­vate in the areas of elec­tro­chem­istry and sol­id state sci­ence and relat­ed technologies.

By show­ing that we can run a PEMWE with only 2 mg/​cm2 of irid­i­um, 2 A/​cm2 pro­ton cur­rent den­si­ty and 1,000 hours of con­tin­u­ous oper­a­tion – we are unlock­ing green hydro­gen at the man­u­fac­tur­ing scale of tens of gigawatts each year! This is the key to decar­bonize steel and base chem­i­cals for a pros­per­ing planet.

Fabi­an Wenger, Head of R&D

Smoltek Hydren is aim­ing to low­er the load­ing of Ir-based cat­a­lyst to ≈ 0.1 mg iridium/​cm2, with­out com­pro­mis­ing the over­all per­for­mance of the PEM elec­tolyz­er. The reduc­tion of irid­i­um is crit­i­cal in order to enable glob­al mass man­u­fac­tur­ing tar­gets for green hydro­gen pro­duc­tion using PEM electrolysis.

All our results and roadmap ahead will be presented:

Con­nect with:
Fabi­an Wenger and Bastien Pen­ninckx on site.

- See you in Cal­i­for­nia, May 26–30! 

Electrolyzer Cell With Smoltek Anode Ptl
Elec­trolyz­er-cell with Smoltek anode-PTL and catalysts

Tech­ni­cal scope: The low elec­tri­cal resis­tiv­i­ty and mechan­i­cal strength indi­cate why cor­ro­sion coat­ed nanofibers are an attrac­tive cat­a­lyst sup­port mate­r­i­al. The solu­tion offered by Smoltek Hydro­gen takes full advan­tage of the excep­tion­al nanofiber prop­er­ties on a PTL (above illus­tra­tion). This method ensures full con­tact between the nanofibers and the PTL while pro­vid­ing a high sur­face area sub­strate and cat­a­lysts can then be deposit­ed on top of this sub­strate. The ver­ti­cal ori­en­ta­tion of the nanofibers facil­i­tates coat­ing of the sur­face with addi­tion­al lay­ers of mate­r­i­al, such as cor­ro­sion pro­tec­tion lay­ers or cat­a­lyst particles.

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