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Håkan Persson, CEO of Smoltek Nanotech

Smoltek gets order for conducting proof-of-concept for medtech device

We have received an order to perform a proof-of-concept study in solving a difficult materials engineering problem for a global medtech company by using our unique carbon nanofiber technology.

July 14, 2022

The pur­pose of the proof-of-concept study is to con­firm that our elec­tric­ally con­duct­ive, ver­tic­ally aligned car­bon nan­ofibers can func­tion as an inter­con­nect between an integ­rated cir­cuit and a sensor mater­i­al that is not com­pat­ible with metals.

We have been col­lab­or­at­ing with the glob­al medtech com­pany for some time and a num­ber of ini­tial tests have already been per­formed. How­ever, the cur­rent proof-of-concept study will include a more com­plete test of the concept, which among oth­er things aims to veri­fy the per­form­ance of the solu­tion and to ensure that the assembly lasts, as well as to obtain more know­ledge in how to scale up the concept to volume production.

“This is a great busi­ness oppor­tun­ity for us, in a unique con­text where we don’t really see any altern­at­ive solu­tions. The medtech industry is very inter­est­ing as a poten­tial busi­ness area for Smoltek’s future expan­sion, in addi­tion to our two pri­or­ity busi­ness areas: the semi­con­duct­or industry, where we devel­op ultra-thin capa­cit­ors for applic­a­tion pro­cessors and the hydro­gen industry, where we devel­op high-per­form­ance cell mater­i­als for electrolyzers”

says Smol­tek’s CEO Håkan Persson

The car­bon nan­ofiber tech­no­logy used in this proof-of-concept study is very sim­il­ar to what we are devel­op­ing for our main busi­ness track – ultra-thin capa­cit­ors, and the study is an excel­lent example of the many areas where the company’s tech­no­logy can be applied.

The order to carry out the proof-of-concept study is worth 40,000 euros.

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