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The Machine

The machine

In March 2022, we told the world we had ordered a machine. In October 2023, we announced that it is ready for delivery. But what kind of machine is it? What does it do? Why has it taken so long? Where will it be located? How will it be used? You will find the answers here.

Now it’s ready: Our machine for large-scale man­u­fac­tur­ing of car­bon nanofibers. You can read about this in a press release. But a press release says only so much. There is much more to say about “the machine,” as we call it. So buck­le up, let’s talk about it.

It’s an oven

First, you may won­der what kind of machine we are talk­ing about.

If you ask our researchers and devel­op­ers, it is a sys­tem con­sist­ing of a PECVD reac­tor cham­ber and tools for high-vol­ume production.

PECVD stands for Plas­ma Enhanced Chem­i­cal Vapor Depo­si­tion. The tools include a load­ing device, vac­u­um pumps, cab­i­nets for gas­es, and a con­trol module.

If you ask me, I would describe it as an oven for high-vol­ume “bak­ing” of car­bon nanofibers on wafers and oth­er sub­strates. (Wafers are sil­i­con discs processed in sev­er­al steps to cre­ate inte­grat­ed cir­cuits, com­mon­ly known as chips.)

It’s a beast

The machine con­sists of sev­er­al parts:

The reac­tion cham­ber is where the mag­ic hap­pens. It has valves to let a gaseous car­bon com­pound in and out of the cham­ber. It has an elec­trode in the ceil­ing that cre­ates plas­ma – free-float­ing elec­trons – that caus­es the gas to release the car­bon atoms that build our car­bon nanofibers. And it has a heat­ing plate on which pre­pared wafers are placed.

The load­ing device puts the wafer into the reac­tion cham­ber and takes it out when fin­ished. Load­ing is done auto­mat­i­cal­ly from a car­tridge that holds 25 wafers. We use 8‑inch diam­e­ter wafers. This is the most com­mon size in the industry.

The vac­u­um pumps evac­u­ate the cham­ber of air so that we can con­trol the process con­di­tions and the sam­ples are not con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed by unwant­ed substances.

The gas cab­i­nets are need­ed to store the gas­es going in and out of the reac­tion chamber.

The con­trol mod­ule, the cher­ry on the cake, mon­i­tors and con­trols the whole process.

Alto­geth­er, the parts take up a floor space of more than 4.5 Ă— 2 meters and weights more than 3.6 tons and. It’s a beast.

The Machine Explained

It’s a beauty

The reac­tor cham­ber is designed in close col­lab­o­ra­tion between the man­u­fac­tur­er and us, and it is cus­tom-built to meet our specifications.

It con­tains sev­er­al inno­v­a­tive tech­ni­cal solu­tions. Many things have been con­sid­ered: mate­r­i­al selec­tion, mechan­i­cal design, com­pat­i­bil­i­ty with our patent-pro­tect­ed process, and more. And the con­trol mod­ule soft­ware is spe­cial­ly designed for our machine.

So, it is no exag­ger­a­tion to say that the machine is the only one of its kind. It is tru­ly unique. It’s a beauty.

A peek into the reac­tor cham­ber through an obser­va­tion port. The char­ac­ter­is­tic pur­ple col­or comes from elec­trons emit­ting pho­tons as they jump from high­er to low­er ener­gy states. They are excit­ed to the high­er ener­gy state by an elec­tric field formed between the elec­trode at the top of the cham­ber and the heat­ing plate at the bot­tom when con­nect­ed to a pow­er source to cre­ate plasma.

Long wait

It took a year and half to build this machine. We knew it would take a long time for the machine to be fin­ished when we placed the order in March 2022.

We antic­i­pat­ed that the man­u­fac­tur­er would have to make some tin­ker­ing here and there. It’s nat­ur­al; you rarely get it one hun­dred per­cent right the first time you do some­thing so com­plex. And one hun­dred per­cent right is what we demand. We can’t com­pro­mise on qual­i­ty. So, it took a few iter­a­tions to meet our high standards.

The man­u­fac­tur­er, CVD Equip­ment Cor­po­ra­tion in the US, is very pro­fes­sion­al and has done an out­stand­ing job. We are delight­ed with the car­bon nanofibers grown dur­ing the accep­tance test.

What remains to be done

Now, all that remains is to get the machine delivered.

But first, all parts must be CE marked, which means that the man­u­fac­tur­er declares that the parts com­ply with rel­e­vant EU leg­is­la­tion and can be brought into the Euro­pean Eco­nom­ic Area (EEA). This work is ongo­ing at the time of writing.

After that, the machine has to be packed and shipped. It sounds more straight­for­ward than it is. A cus­tom-built machine requires cus­tom pack­ag­ing and spe­cial ship­ping. It isn’t an ordi­nary piece of equip­ment we have bought.

If every­thing goes as planned, the machine will be shipped around the turn of the year.

Where it will be located

We plan to place the machine at a foundry we choose to work with. But we have not yet decid­ed which one. So, for now, it will be stored at Chalmers Uni­ver­si­ty of Technology.

Why not set it up at Chalmers, where our old­er machines are already locat­ed, or anoth­er tem­po­rary loca­tion while wait­ing for the right part­ners to be chosen?

We have con­sid­ered that but con­clud­ed that it is bet­ter to await the choice of a partner.

Remem­ber, it’s a beast. It takes up a lot of space. Requires a lot of ener­gy. And above all, it has to be in a clean room. There are no suit­able places avail­able for tem­po­rary use. We would have to pay for exten­sive rebuild­ing and instal­la­tion work. Mon­ey that could be put to bet­ter use.

How it will be used

Once in place, the machine will be part of man­u­fac­tur­ing CNF-MIM capac­i­tors

The through­put is one wafer each half hour. Each wafer con­tains 48,000 CNF-MIM capac­i­tors. We plan to process 500 wafers per month. That’s 24 mil­lion capac­i­tors per month. And that’s just the begin­ning. The machine can be built out to pro­duce 10X more wafers, that is, 5,000 wafers per month.

We can­not do that vol­ume with our cur­rent machine, which can pro­duce far few­er capac­i­tors per wafer, takes four times as long, and must be oper­at­ed man­u­al­ly. The new machine is sim­ply nec­es­sary for high-vol­ume pro­duc­tion of CNF-MIM capacitors.

The new machine is also scal­able. We can expand it with sev­er­al par­al­lel reac­tion cham­bers to mul­ti­ply the volume.

I lied to you

By the way, I lied to you at the beginning.

We don’t call it “the machine.” We call it “the high-vol­ume machine,” or HVM for short. But it doesn’t sound as good as “the machine,” so I gave myself an artis­tic license to short­en the name. Sor­ry. Now, over to you. Head over to LinkedIn and tell us what more you would like to know about “the machine.”

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