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Learn more about car­bon nan­o­tech­no­logy from the art­icles below, or con­tact us and let’s have a chat.

Green World

Carbon nanofibers in the hydrogen industry

With our car­bon nan­ofibers (CNFs) fab­ric­a­tion tech­no­logy, we devel­op advanced mater­i­als engin­eer­ing solu­tions for use in water elec­tro­lys­is and fuel cells for the hydro­gen industry.

Adobestock 165717610

Carbon nanofibers in the semiconductor industry

With our car­bon nan­ofibers (CNFs) fab­ric­a­tion tech­no­logy, we devel­op advanced pack­ing solu­tions and ultra-mini­atur­ized capa­cit­ors for use in the semi­con­duct­or industry.

Cultivation Of Precisely Placed Carbon Nanofibres

What is a carbon nanofiber (CNF)?

Car­bon nan­ofibers is a super­ma­ter­i­al. It is stronger, more elast­ic, and light­er than steel. It con­ducts heat and elec­tri­city bet­ter than metals. And it can be used to thou­sand­fold the sur­face of mater­i­als. Let’s take a closer look at these tiny fellows.

Adobestock 250253567

Miniaturized capacitors with carbon nanofibers

Smol­tek has developed the world’s thin­nest dis­crete capa­cit­or. You have to stack ten of them on top of each oth­er to reach the same height as today’s industry-stand­ard when it comes to sur­face-moun­ted capa­cit­ors. The most amaz­ing thing about this micro­scop­ic capa­cit­or is its per­form­ance. One square mil­li­meter has a capa­cit­ance of a whop­ping 650 nan­o­farads (650 nF/​mm2). Read on for more details.


Carbon nanofibers in hydrogen electrolysis and fuel cells

Car­bon nan­ofibers in hydro­gen elec­tro­lys­is & fuel cells Hydro­gen has emerged as a key to store renew­able energy and mak­ing heavy industry car­bon-free. Two applic­a­tion areas of imme­di­ate vital import­ance. The core tech­no­lo­gies that make this pos­sible are hydro­gen elec­tro­lys­is and fuel cells. Elec­tro­lys­is con­verts elec­tri­city into hydro­gen, while fuel cells con­vert the hydro­gen back to electricity.