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License agreement for evaluation of CNF-MIM technology extended

Smoltek announces that the agreement signed with a global manufacturer of electronic components for technical and commercial evaluation of the company's CNF-MIM technology will be extended until the end of March 2021. In addition to further evaluation, the parties will also discuss the way forward after the evaluation, including a potential broadening of the collaboration.

November 24, 2020

This spring, Smol­tek announced two sep­ar­ate license agree­ments for tech­nic­al and com­mer­cial eval­u­ation of the company’s pat­en­ted CNF-MIM tech­no­logy for semi­con­duct­or applic­a­tions. The eval­u­ation pro­jects that were then star­ted have taken longer to com­plete than expected.

The license that was signed in April 2020 with a world lead­ing man­u­fac­turer of pass­ive elec­tron­ic com­pon­ents, includ­ing capa­cit­ors, is now exten­ded without any addi­tion­al cost for the licensee. This is due to the agree­ment primar­ily being based on oth­er factors and oblig­a­tions than the time peri­od of the pro­ject, as well as the fact that some of these oblig­a­tions have taken longer than expec­ted to fulfil.

The exten­sion lasts until March 31 next year, and as both parties have a pos­it­ive out­look on this oppor­tun­ity to con­tin­ue the eval­u­ation of the CNF-MIM tech­no­logy, while at the same time dis­cuss­ing a way for­ward for the col­lab­or­a­tion after the eval­u­ation period.

“It is encour­aging that we have come to an agree­ment to extend this license agree­ment, which shows that the cus­tom­er sees a value in invest­ing addi­tion­al time and resources in a con­tin­ued eval­u­ation of our CNF-MIM tech­no­logy. Our top pri­or­ity is to thor­oughly com­plete the eval­u­ation pro­ject, so that the licensee is then in an optim­al pos­i­tion to decide on a pos­sible con­tinu­ation with the aim to facil­it­ate integ­ra­tion into upcom­ing products,” says Ola Tiver­man, Pres­id­ent of the group com­pany Smol­tek Semi AB, which is in charge of licens­ing in the semi­con­duct­or industry.

Smol­tek is also in dis­cus­sions regard­ing a sim­il­ar exten­sion of the eval­u­ation license agree­ment that was signed in March 2020 with one of the world’s largest man­u­fac­tur­ers of capacitors.

Image: Ola Tiver­man, CRO at Smol­tek & Pres­id­ent at Smol­tek Semi

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