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Smoltek R&D-team at MC2 nanotech lab

Smoltek Innovation changes name to Smoltek Hydrogen

The group company Smoltek Innovation is now changing its name to Smoltek Hydrogen, which better reflects the development we are now making in the hydrogen business area.

October 3, 2022

The renam­ing of the sub­si­di­ary is a logic­al next step when the innov­a­tion pro­ject around mater­i­als for elec­tro­lyz­ers and green hydro­gen is now its own inde­pend­ent busi­ness area with­in Smol­tek, and the new com­pany name shows that we are com­mit­ted to the ambi­tion to provide the new hydro­gen eco­nomy with decis­ive tech­no­logy.1

“The glob­al hydro­gen mar­ket is grow­ing incred­ibly fast, and the mar­ket for cell mater­i­al on the anode side of a PEM elec­tro­lyz­er alone is expec­ted to reach SEK 65 bil­lion in 2030. In addi­tion, the acute short­age of nat­ur­al gas has fur­ther increased the level of ambi­tion in Europe. For us, it is import­ant to quickly reach the goal of becom­ing an estab­lished play­er in this market.”

Ellinor Ehrn­berg, Pres­id­ent of Smol­tek Hydrogen

* Elec­tro­lyz­er Mar­ket worth over $65 Bn by 2030

Scop­ing for new innov­a­tion areas
Smol­tek Innov­a­tion was formed as a sep­ar­ate group com­pany in August 2020, with the task of tak­ing new tech­no­logy-driv­en innov­a­tions from concept to products for the mar­ket. Dur­ing the first six months, a hand­ful of prom­ising areas were iden­ti­fied, with one of them, high-per­form­ance cell mater­i­als for elec­tro­lyz­ers, selec­ted to be the first concept to devel­op further.

The ambi­tion to devel­op our tech­no­logy into new busi­ness areas is still some­thing we look into, and next in line is concept devel­op­ment in areas such as med­ic­al tech­no­logy, next-gen­er­a­tion bat­ter­ies and super­ca­pa­cit­ors. These are areas where we con­sider our tech­no­logy around nan­ofibers to be use­ful and pos­sible to explore. This is now car­ried out by the R&D‑department.

Smoltek Hydrogen – electrolyzer cell material

Based on Smol­tek’s pat­ent-pro­tec­ted nan­ofiber tech­no­logy, a new cell mater­i­al for PEM elec­tro­lyz­ers has been developed. It has the poten­tial to greatly increase the amount of hydro­gen pro­duced per unit area, lead­ing to up to three times smal­ler and thus cheap­er elec­tro­lys­ers. Fur­ther­more, we reduce the amount of iridi­um used when man­u­fac­tur­ing an elec­tro­lyz­er by at least 80%. This is a sig­ni­fic­ant advant­age because iridi­um is a crit­ic­al cata­lyst mater­i­al that cur­rently costs roughly SEK 2 mil­lion per kilogram.

  1. Elec­tro­lyz­er Mar­ket worth over $65 Bn ↩︎

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