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Farzan Ghavanini, CTO at Smoltek

Smoltek patent No. 77 now granted

Smoltek is awarded a new patent in Japan. This patent is the sixth one of the patent family in the direction of CNF-MIM based compact energy storage on interposers. This also means that our global patent portfolio now comprises 77 granted patents.

October 10, 2022

Smol­tek’s 77th pat­ent has been gran­ted in Japan and is cov­er­ing the inven­tion and man­u­fac­tur­ing of extremely thin energy stor­age devices embed­ded in an interposer. 

Our inven­tions in the area of semi­con­duct­ors and elec­tron­ics facil­it­ate integ­ra­tion of extremely low-pro­file sol­id state energy stor­age devices, such as CNF-MIM capa­cit­ors, closer to the con­nec­tion points and power rails of the act­ive chips. The CNF-MIM-tech­no­logy offers the smal­lest form-factor for integ­rated high-per­form­ance capa­cit­ors by provid­ing very high capa­cit­ance per area at a frag­ment of height com­pared with today’s technologies. 

Tra­di­tion­ally, an inter­poser is used only to make redis­tri­bu­tions lay­ers (RDL) or inter­con­nects for oth­er dies to be con­nec­ted. With our pat­en­ted concept, it will be pos­sible to make the inter­poser hav­ing energy stor­age devices e.g. capa­cit­ors, sol­id state micro bat­ter­ies etc. embed­ded with­in the inter­poser struc­ture. This allows not only to have inter­poser with inter­con­nects but also with energy storage. 

The applic­a­tions of such inter­posers are anti­cip­ated to stead­ily grow in the field of Het­ero­gen­eous Integ­ra­tion. And in this case, our com­pact energy stor­age inter­poser fam­ily is com­ple­ment­ary to our Inter­poser fam­ily, and offers an altern­at­ive path to util­ize our CNF-MIM tech­no­logy primar­ily to man­u­fac­ture inter­posers. The beauty of our concept is that it facil­it­ates to make an inter­poser smarter with added func­tion­al­ity embed­ded with­in the inter­poser. Quite mind­bog­gling, actu­ally”,

says Far­z­an Ghavanini, CTO and Head of R&D at Smoltek.

Smoltek’s pat­ent port­fo­lio now glob­ally com­prises 77 gran­ted pat­ents. Read more about our IP and pat­ents.

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