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Sh2 Ecs244 Boothcamp 01

Together towards 0.1 mg iridium/​cm2

Smoltek Hydrogen attended the 244th ECS event in Gothenburg, October 8-12. This was a perfect venue to introduce our new material for electrolyzers to potential customers. The message was that now we are ready to engage in product development projects with electrolyzer companies.

October 23, 2023

The Elec­tro­chem­ic­al Soci­ety, the lead­ing pro­fes­sion­al organ­isa­tion in elec­tro­chem­ic­al and sol­id-state sci­ence and tech­no­logy, rarely place their con­fer­ence out­side the Amer­icas. And when they returned to Europe for the first time since 2009, they chose to meet in a city where sus­tain­ab­il­ity of such events is a top pri­or­ity: Gothen­burg, Sweden – the most sus­tain­able city in the world*.

The 244th ECS was also the per­fect event for us, right on time when our next step is to expand the range of poten­tial cus­tom­ers. And as a first-time con­trib­ut­or and exhib­it­or at the Elec­tro­chem­ic­al Society’s annu­al meet­ing we cer­tainly made an impact, as our booth had a steady stream of curi­ous vis­it­ors. We were busy explain­ing the bene­fits of the mater­i­al, the tech­no­logy behind it and our hand-in-hand approach to poten­tial cus­tom­ers. The mes­sage was that we are now ready to engage in product devel­op­ment pro­jects with elec­tro­lyz­er companies.

Ecs Reception
Open­ing recep­tion of the 244th ECS – with sneak-peek of our booth. 

On site at Svenska Mäs­san in Gothen­burg
The 244th ECS meet­ing was held at the Swedish Exhib­i­tion & Con­gress Centre, wel­com­ing over 3,400 attendees from all over the world. We had since long planned to use this oppor­tun­ity as the start­ing point of the mar­ket intro­duc­tion of our elec­tro­lyz­er cell mater­i­al (ECM) for PEM elec­tro­lyz­ers, since already now cus­tom­ers need to start work­ing with us to be able to apply our solu­tion in the next gen­er­a­tion elec­tro­lyz­ers they are plan­ning for.

On Sunday Octo­ber 8, Bas­tien Pen­ninckx gave a con­fer­ence present­a­tion to an audi­ence of experts work­ing on redu­cing the need of iridi­um-based cata­lyst in PEM elec­tro­lyz­ers. He intro­duced the product, the com­pany, what we have already accom­plished, our next steps and how we plan to man­u­fac­ture our ECM in high volumes. After many inter­est­ing ques­tions from the audi­ence dur­ing the Q&A, the dis­cus­sions on our solu­tion and roadmap con­tin­ued in our exhib­i­tion booth, wit­ness­ing a steady flow of industry and research rep­res­ent­at­ives in our booth and keep­ing us busy. Sev­er­al of the industry’s key play­ers expressed a ser­i­ous com­mer­cial interest and joint next steps were discussed.

Sh2 Ecs244 Boothcamp 02

Green Hood­ie alert!
In our booth we had pre­pared well. We had a huge back­drop, that was an eye catch­er as well as it gave an over­view of what we are doing. A tv-screen where we showed present­a­tion slides and a short loop­ing film from our in-house H2LAB. We also had small phys­ic­al samples of our cell mater­i­al and a sum­mar­iz­ing leaf­let to hand out. 

But most import­antly, we had our R&D and busi­ness people on site, and we were easy to spot – in our very green hoodies! 

Our out­fit was proven to be a hit as all the curi­ous attendees just had to grab hold of someone in green and start ask­ing about our new mater­i­al. The ques­tions were ran­ging from: “How do you make the nano­struc­tures?” to “How big can you make the cell mater­i­al sheet?”. And “How long/​short can you make the nan­ofibers?”, “Can the tech­no­logy be made for bat­ter­ies?” … they were never-ending. 

But mainly the attendees asked about our cell mater­i­al solu­tion for elec­tro­lyz­ers in general.

In the booth we could talk about how to work with us, and our roadmap for the cell mater­i­al. The choice for the cus­tom­ers is free, do they want to work in their lab or in our lab? They decide. Also, we could offer them to be their devel­op­ment part­ner. And on site we had some samples to offer, and we invited some to vis­it our inhouse-lab.

Fabi­an Wenger, Head of R&D

244th ECS Summary

Sh2 Ecs244 Boothcamp 03

It was a fant­ast­ic coin­cid­ence that ECS 244 – the most import­ant con­fer­ence of the year – happened to take place in our homet­own right when we needed to make the industry aware of how to take the first step towards drastic­ally redu­cing the use of iridi­um. Among the 3,400 vis­it­ors, some were really the spot-on busi­ness and tech­no­logy man­agers from the elec­tro­lyz­er industry, and we made lots of new con­nec­tions. It was a busy week also with meet­ings and lab tours at the office. 

Ellinor Ehrn­berg, President

Our solu­tion for redu­cing iridi­um load­ing on the anode-side and at the same time keep­ing per­form­ance intact was well received as we spoke about the 600-hour elec­tro­lyz­er test res­ult we have made. The effect­ive util­iz­a­tion of iridi­um through half-cell tests at low load­ings were also well taken.

Sank­ar Sasid­har­an, Seni­or Sci­ent­ist Electrochemistry 
Sh2 Ecs244 Boothcamp 04

It was inter­est­ing to listen to big industry people speak­ing about hydro­gen demand and applic­a­tions, pri­cing of renew­able energy require­ments and scope of hydro­gen gen­er­a­tion in com­ing years.

Shafiq Kabir, Head of Volume Processes

The ses­sions on ALD also were help­ful to under­stand the tech­niques used and pos­sible improve­ments, since we also use it for plat­in­um depos­ition. And also all the oth­er present­a­tions related to hydro­gen elec­tro­lyz­ers , tech­niques and cata­lysts were almost full all the time under­lined the import­ance of top­ic we are deal­ing with.

Xin Wen, Seni­or Sci­ent­ist Nanotechnology 

The meet­ing made it easy to have a num­ber of face to face meet­ings with sup­pli­ers we are work­ing with. It is import­ant to get to know the people behind the screen, now when we have so many ini­ti­at­ives going on.

Reka Simon-Bal­int, Qual­ity & Pro­ject Manager

So, by Thursday Octo­ber 12 when the con­fer­ence ended, a great num­ber of the attendees at the 244th ECS had got­ten know­ledge of Smol­tek Hydro­gen and that we can make just as much hydro­gen as using a com­mer­cial cata­lyst tech­no­logy – but with way less iridium.

* Gothen­burg, the most sus­tain­able city in the world.

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