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Integrated and Discrete Ultra-Thin Capacitors Based on Carbon Nanofibers with High Capacitance Density

Research paper published in the proceedings of 2020 IEEE 70th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), 2020, pp. 1614-1619.

Ver­tic­ally aligned car­bon nan­ofibers (CNFs) have been used to enhance the elec­trodes of the clas­sic­al met­al-insu­lat­or-met­al (MIM) capa­cit­or concept to form fully sol­id-state CNF-MIM capa­cit­ors with a large 3D sur­face area. The man­u­fac­tured devices are char­ac­ter­ized with regards to the capa­cit­ance dens­ity, the equi­val­ent series res­ist­ance (ESR) and induct­ance (ESL), and leak­age cur­rent. The pro­cess flow allows for the devices to be either integ­rated or dis­crete com­pon­ents, and the low height pro­file of about 7 μm makes the devices read­ily avail­able for integ­ra­tion on a chip, in 3D stack­ing, or onto an inter­poser. A test vehicle is designed and used to demon­strate the sim­ul­tan­eous val­ues of 420 nF/​mm2 (per foot­print area) capa­cit­ance dens­ity, an ESR of 35 mΩ, and an ESL of 3.4 pH. Fur­ther­more, the leak­age cur­rent is found to be below 0.01 nA/​nF.

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