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Wo2020080993a1 Web Patents 01

Discrete CNF-MIM

The Discrete CNF-MIM patent family is covering a method for manufacturing of discrete capacitor components based on our CNF-MIM technology. The innovation exploits the extra-ordinary surface to volume ratio provided by carbon nanofibers to create a MIM capacitor with unparalleled high capacitance density.

The inven­tion: A dis­crete two-ter­mi­nal met­al-insu­la­tor-met­al (MIM) capac­i­tor com­po­nent, the capac­i­tor com­po­nent com­pris­ing: a MIM-arrange­ment com­pris­ing: a first elec­trode lay­er; a plu­ral­i­ty of con­duc­tive nanos­truc­tures grown from the first elec­trode lay­er; a sol­id dielec­tric mate­r­i­al lay­er con­for­mal­ly coat­ing each nanos­truc­ture in the plu­ral­i­ty of con­duc­tive nanos­truc­tures and the first elec­trode lay­er uncov­ered by the con­duc­tive nanos­truc­tures; and a sec­ond elec­trode lay­er cov­er­ing the sol­id dielec­tric mate­r­i­al lay­er a first con­nect­ing struc­ture for exter­nal elec­tri­cal con­nec­tion of the capac­i­tor com­po­nent a sec­ond con­nect­ing struc­ture for exter­nal elec­tri­cal con­nec­tion of the capac­i­tor com­po­nent; and an elec­tri­cal­ly insu­lat­ing encap­su­la­tion mate­r­i­al at least part­ly embed­ding the MIM-arrangement.

Granted patents relating to the innovation

Patent OfficePatent
For more infor­ma­tion about a par­tic­u­lar patent, click on its name to view it on Google Patents.

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