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Latest news from Smoltek.

Håkan Persson, CEO of Smoltek & President of Smoltek Innovation

Smoltek signs MoU with global manufacturer of capacitors

The Group company Smoltek Semi has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with a global manufacturer of capacitors for the joint development of Smoltek's ultra-thin CMF-MIM capacitors and, provided that the development goals are achieved, mass production and sales via a 50/50-owned joint venture.
Smoltek R&D-team with 200mm wafer

Smoltek has been granted two new patents

Smol­tek’s 75th pat­ent has been gran­ted in Taiwan and is cov­er­ing the concept and man­u­fac­tur­ing of extremely thin energy stor­age devices embed­ded in an inter­poser. The energy stor­age device con­cepts can take a large num­ber of forms e.g. dis­crete, integrated –…

Farzan Ghavanini, CTO at Smoltek

Smoltek patent No. 74 now granted

Smoltek has yet another patent granted. The new US-patent is related to the Assembly platform patent family in the direction of interconnects. This also makes our patent portfolio to now comprise 74 granted patents.
Ellinor Ehrnberg, President of Smoltek Innovation

Collaboration agreement signed for Smoltek’s green hydrogen solutions

The group company Smoltek Innovation has signed a collaboration agreement with a large international manufacturer of material for electrolyzers. The collaboration agreement includes the development of demonstrators based on Smoltek's highly efficient nanofiber-based cell material for PEM electrolyzers.
Håkan Persson, CEO of Smoltek & President of Smoltek Innovation

Smoltek initiates MoU-negotiations for joint development of ultra-thin capacitors

Smoltek and the subsidiary Smoltek Semi has extended its evaluation license agreement with a global manufacturer of passive components. The parties will also define and agree upon the terms of a Memorandum of Understanding for the joint development of an industrial mass-production process for Smoltek’s ultra-thin carbon nanofiber capacitors.
Farzan Ghavanini, CTO

Smoltek patent No. 73 now granted

Smoltek is awarded yet another approved patent, the third this year. The patent, granted in Japan is part of our patent family protecting solutions for interposers based on the CNF-MIM capacitor concept. This also means that our patent portfolio now comprises 73 granted patents.
Ellinor Ehrnberg, President Smoltek Innovationi

Operational update for Smoltek’s electrolyzer technology

Smoltek has developed a high-performing nanofiber-based cell material for PEM-electrolyzers, with potential to enable a more efficient production of fossil-free hydrogen. In the autumn of 2021, a development collaboration was initiated in collaboration with an industrial manufacturer of materials for electrolyzers, and the aim is to be able to start manufacturing small-scale prototypes in 2023.
Karl Lundahl, VP Product management & Industrialization

Smoltek patent No. 72 now granted

Smoltek is awarded a new patent. This new patent has been granted in Taiwan, and is relating to the patent family in the direction of CNF-MIM capacitor applications on interposers. This also brings our patent portfolio to now comprise 72 granted patents.
Ola Tiverman, President Smoltek Semi

CNF-MIM technology license agreement extended – again

Smoltek conducts operations in the development, industrialization and licensing of technology solutions, based on the company's patent-protected carbon nanofiber technology, for the semiconductor industry within the Group company Smoltek Semi. Its main focus is the industrialization and commercialization of the company’s ultra-thin CNF-MIM capacitors.