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Fredrik Liljeberg

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We enable the next-generation capacitors

Advanced nano- and microelectronics are at the core of tomorrow’s hardware engineering. At Smoltek we are pioneering carbon nanotechnology that enables manufacturing of the next-generation solutions for the semiconductor industry. Currently the focus is on a new type of carbon nanofiber-based capacitor that fits in the extremely miniaturized packaging architectures being developed by chip manufacturers.
Read moreWe enable the next-generation capacitors
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Introducing Smoltek Carbon Nanofiber Technology

Smoltek can grow extremely thin carbon nanofibers in various three-dimensional structures that multiply the addressable surface that can be coated with different materials. By doing so, we enable the manufacturing of materials and components that make applications such as products, components and devices better – much thinner, more powerful, more energy-efficient and/or a lot cheaper to produce.
Read moreIntroducing Smoltek Carbon Nanofiber Technology
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Discrete CNF-MIM

The Discrete CNF-MIM patent family is covering a method for manufacturing of discrete capacitor components based on our CNF-MIM technology. The innovation exploits the extra-ordinary surface to volume ratio provided by carbon nanofibers to create a MIM capacitor with unparalleled high capacitance density.
Read moreDiscrete CNF-MIM
Fossil-free future is speeding up

A giant market for new Swedish technology

In order to enable the extensive electrification and to replace fossil raw materials in industry, large investments are being made globally in the production, distribution and use of completely fossil-free hydrogen, so-called green hydrogen. In Sweden, some attention is certainly directed towards the steel industry's investments, but the huge interest in hydrogen that we see in many other countries has not yet reached this point.
Read moreA giant market for new Swedish technology